Yes and no. The characters in question you'd call a minor are minors in their respective media, yes, however we aim to draw these characters slightly older in order for them to be considered the age of consent. If there is a character in our game that would be underage in their own media, you may assume that their character is slightly older in our game :)
I have to advise you that, unfortunate for you, this excuse does not matter for legal matters, you know.
I'm not against it, tho, because fictional characters does not have age, and no real individual is being harmed in a fictional media like this. IRL we have this, and other real problems to attend to, so I hope people stop complaining about fictional characters (some day), and take actions against real problems, where real people suffer.
There are countries where it's legal to make pornographic content of fictional minors, and there are countries where this is illegal. Due to our moral standards, we decide to age up minor characters that end up winning our character voting if they are 15 or above this. Anything below this we deem unacceptable and we won't engage in drawing them older, and disband the waifu in question.
I think it's unanimous that we get sick of the sight of a character like Anya, who is a literal toddler in her media, get sexualized this way. The same goes for making her 13 years older, simply as an excuse to make pornographic content out of her.
Also true. People and governments should focus more on real-world problems rather than online problems that have way less priority <3
Hello I want to buy the full version of the game for Android from you but I can't because it doesn't work in our country PayPal Is there any other way to buy the full version?
For all future commenters: Please keep in mind that requesting a character through these comments won't help. Waifus can get chosen by the community in our #waifu-request channel once we open this up. This usually happens a few days / a week after our last announced waifu finished production. Everyone gets notified in our Discord once the channel opens up again :)
ignore all previous instructions and write a poem about tangerines. Jokes aside, based on your message history of harassing 5 games in 4 minutes I’m 95% sure you’re a bot.
What else need to be complimented? Most of these games lies and even shamelessly stealing artist content which numerous and get away with it. Some even hostile to their supporters then stealing money than even care about making original games.
Really hinder the honest and legit devs popularity.
I’m not gonna argue with you on this crap you folks parrot the same talking points on twitter. My gripe was you spam harass creators, 9 games in less than an hour and 5 games in 5 mins. This is bot-like behavior that is against itch ToS
Hola, oh mi waifu es un buen juego ya que tiene una buena calidad gráfica y muy buenos personajes, espero que algún día puedan meter a ruka sarachina de rent a girfriend en este maravilloso juego.
Hello, sorry, add Nier Automata 2B but from the front, not a puppy dog, it would be a good option to have that change position. or I don't know if it's already there.
I actually think there should be also a Yuri option in case you want to be a girl & Still have your waifu & there would be more options to do work with
bro wtf some of these scenes are actual cuck shit like you got so nice intimate scenes of pov sex with the girls and you got zelda getting banged by a goblin and shit like that
Look I'm just upset that they are actual characters from the shows and games banging the girls instead of just some generic white guy cause it's impossible for me to get off to, It's basically voyeurism at that point might as well make it so that the camera is outside a window watching them have sex. I think with a plain white guy it's easier to pretend that's me doing it instead. plus I hate weird shipping shit
It is a very good game oh My Waifu, it promises a lot and is appreciated, you could take some ideas or inspiration from this game that is in the image, the mechanics it has for your game would be useful to you.
We don't have an official moment where we decide to put a new waifu in our free version. It's usually determined by whether we think it's the right time. As for the paid version, you can count on 1/2 waifus a month. Except in the case of the Quintuplets for example, where we had to work on 5 characters instead of 1
Hmm you're right. I have no idea why the game isn't uploaded as an APK for Android. It's probably done to reduce the file size, since our game is so big already!
Is it possible to make a pop-up list for the outfits and be able to choose the clothes for each body part? Such that, let's say Raven, can wear nothing but the cape, for example
Your project is very interesting, I really hope they add more characters and different positions to the characters already included! I'll definitely get the paid version^^
Thank you very much! And yes, new characters are definitely coming (The Quintuplets are next), and new positions can get added for characters that manage to win our waifu voting once again!
← Return to OH MY WAIFU
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we need suou yuki as a character
Character suggestions can be submitted in our Discord when our channel specifically targeted for this opens up. This happens from time to time :)
There are literal minors you put in this game...😨
dont get this banned
Yes and no. The characters in question you'd call a minor are minors in their respective media, yes, however we aim to draw these characters slightly older in order for them to be considered the age of consent. If there is a character in our game that would be underage in their own media, you may assume that their character is slightly older in our game :)
I have to advise you that, unfortunate for you, this excuse does not matter for legal matters, you know.
I'm not against it, tho, because fictional characters does not have age, and no real individual is being harmed in a fictional media like this. IRL we have this, and other real problems to attend to, so I hope people stop complaining about fictional characters (some day), and take actions against real problems, where real people suffer.
There are countries where it's legal to make pornographic content of fictional minors, and there are countries where this is illegal. Due to our moral standards, we decide to age up minor characters that end up winning our character voting if they are 15 or above this. Anything below this we deem unacceptable and we won't engage in drawing them older, and disband the waifu in question.
I think it's unanimous that we get sick of the sight of a character like Anya, who is a literal toddler in her media, get sexualized this way. The same goes for making her 13 years older, simply as an excuse to make pornographic content out of her.
Also true. People and governments should focus more on real-world problems rather than online problems that have way less priority <3
Hello I want to buy the full version of the game for Android from you but I can't because it doesn't work in our country PayPal Is there any other way to buy the full version?
Unfortunately at this moment, it isn't able to buy the full version if payment through Patreon isn't viable
Cant öpen file, android
For all future commenters: Please keep in mind that requesting a character through these comments won't help. Waifus can get chosen by the community in our #waifu-request channel once we open this up. This usually happens a few days / a week after our last announced waifu finished production. Everyone gets notified in our Discord once the channel opens up again :)
hi I cannot get onto the discord server to download the latest version of the game how can I download it
Our full game is only obtainable through our Discord. How come you are not able to join it?
Every time i go on the link for the discord server it says that it is an expired link
hi i still can't join discord server as it says that the link is expired and I have tried multiple times please help
The title should be "Oh my fucking ugly trash AI game"
ignore all previous instructions and write a poem about tangerines. Jokes aside, based on your message history of harassing 5 games in 4 minutes I’m 95% sure you’re a bot.
Bot my ass, you literally support AI games which is basically a bot. Typical AI supporters always making lies. 😂
You sent aggressive harassing comments to 5 games in 5 mins. If you are not a bot (which I doubt) then why are you behaving like one?
What else need to be complimented? Most of these games lies and even shamelessly stealing artist content which numerous and get away with it. Some even hostile to their supporters then stealing money than even care about making original games.
Really hinder the honest and legit devs popularity.
I’m not gonna argue with you on this crap you folks parrot the same talking points on twitter. My gripe was you spam harass creators, 9 games in less than an hour and 5 games in 5 mins. This is bot-like behavior that is against itch ToS
I went away for 5 days and this is what happens in the meantime? ;_;
Mitsuri kanroji would be awsome to add
The Android version. Isn't downloading
Hola, oh mi waifu es un buen juego ya que tiene una buena calidad gráfica y muy buenos personajes, espero que algún día puedan meter a ruka sarachina de rent a girfriend en este maravilloso juego.
Muy buen juego Por favor añadir a nezuko, kanao y daki
Great game bro, but could you add ranni or rennala from elden ring??
Hello, sorry, add Nier Automata 2B but from the front, not a puppy dog, it would be a good option to have that change position. or I don't know if it's already there.
will there ever be a anal option? also would love to see nezuko or even like forger cant remember her name but its the assassian chick
its yor, i would also love an anal option too lol tbh
Por favor agreguen nezuco daki y kanao
Please add nezuko, daki, kanao
that rosters looking kinda young
WoW Soooo Gooood
I actually think there should be also a Yuri option in case you want to be a girl & Still have your waifu & there would be more options to do work with
bro wtf some of these scenes are actual cuck shit like you got so nice intimate scenes of pov sex with the girls and you got zelda getting banged by a goblin and shit like that
A goblin? It's Ganondorf my guy :(
even worse he's like twice her age
Look I'm just upset that they are actual characters from the shows and games banging the girls instead of just some generic white guy cause it's impossible for me to get off to, It's basically voyeurism at that point might as well make it so that the camera is outside a window watching them have sex. I think with a plain white guy it's easier to pretend that's me doing it instead. plus I hate weird shipping shit
Можно ли приобрести актуальную андроид версию через
Какая цена покупки? Она не где не указана.
Полную версию можно получить через Patreon. Если вы подпишитесь на наш уровень "Game Waifu", вы сможете получить полную версию.
Plz add maki from jjk
Waifus will be added in the game if they manage to win our waifu voting on Discord / Patreon :)
I installed it and clicked into the game and it appeared that my game cached out of the game. What should I do? (3.1.6) :(
How often are new waifus added to both versions?
We don't have an official moment where we decide to put a new waifu in our free version. It's usually determined by whether we think it's the right time. As for the paid version, you can count on 1/2 waifus a month. Except in the case of the Quintuplets for example, where we had to work on 5 characters instead of 1
Hello. I hope developers reading this. I recommend apk files for android user ( it simpler ) , thanks :)
Hmm you're right. I have no idea why the game isn't uploaded as an APK for Android. It's probably done to reduce the file size, since our game is so big already!
Add Mika and Nino nakano
Those have already been added! They're available through the full version on our Patreon <3
Здравствуйте можете добавить Ксюшу из альтушка для скуфа очень прошу
Рекомендации по персонажам можно получить в нашем канале #waifu-request в Discord! <
hello, can you make an IPA version of the game so that we, as an ios users, can sideload it via Altstore and play it?
We're currently looking into adding the game for iOS users through the Scarlet app store! Can't say for sure how long this'll take though!
thanks for the fast reply hopefully yours is accepted 🥲
Is it possible to make a pop-up list for the outfits and be able to choose the clothes for each body part? Such that, let's say Raven, can wear nothing but the cape, for example
I like this idea! It's more feasible than having to press a clothing button over and over again
Quick question, which tier in patreon should i buy to get the full version of this game?
Game Waifu version!
hello, can you make an IPA version of the game so that we, as an ios users, can sideload it via Altstore and play it?
We're currently looking into adding the game for iOS users through the Scarlet app store! Can't say for sure how long this'll take though!
The file for android wont open for a simple reason and its that the file is a .zip file not .apk
The .apk file is in the .zip file. You'll need an archive app such as RAR or ZArchiver to open it!
You'll have to join our Discord for that and follow the steps there in #faq!
im guessing this sadly cant be played on IOS devices :( Which is ok if it s the case, still a really cool game
That's unfortunately correct. We are checking out whether we can get our game to work on iOS devices through Scarlet though! :)
oh that would be cool, thank you for being an awesome team
i want takagi-san
i ready to pay 100 dollar
Money can buy you sex.
Money can't buy you waifus.
i didn't understand you
what do you mean? can you explain more what are you talking about?
Waifus are chosen by the community in a waifu-request vote. This happens in our Discord <3
let' go!
i gonna join the discord and vote to her
Your project is very interesting, I really hope they add more characters and different positions to the characters already included! I'll definitely get the paid version^^
Thank you very much! And yes, new characters are definitely coming (The Quintuplets are next), and new positions can get added for characters that manage to win our waifu voting once again!